How to Create a Twitter Website Card

Home » How to Create a Twitter Website Card

Twitter website cards are a relatively new feature. Just introduced last year, the concept makes collecting leads in the social media platform simple and convenient. With a few button clicks and some punchy ad copy, you can start downloading qualified leads right through your Twitter Advertising dashboard.


Let’s get into the most-asked questions about Twitter website card.

What is a Twitter website card?

A Twitter website card’s design is simple and consists of four basic parts:

  1. A tweet limited to the standard 140 characters, presenting your offer to your audience
  2. A lead generation “card” — a 600px by 150px attention-grabbing image that piques interest and encourages clickthrough
  3. A call-to-action that drives users to take a specific action, usually related to sharing personal information with your business
  4. A link to your advertising privacy policy

A Twitter website card allows Twitter users to submit a lead to your organization in order to receive an offer or some other benefit. Cards could provide users with a discount coupon, a free download, a subscription to a mailing list — the options are endless.

Cards show up in a user’s timeline — they’ll see it as they scroll along, checking their daily news and other updates.

Why create a Twitter website card?

It’s a quick and easy way to test the lead gen waters in a social media app you’re already using every day. Highly customizable, Twitter website cards allow you to put your organization’s creative spin on collecting leads while harnessing the power of social media.

Twitter makes the process simple. All it takes is the click of a button to submit a lead for users to take advantage of a sweet deal. The easier it is to reap a reward, the more results you can expect to see in your inbox.

Skeptical of a Twitter website card’s payoff for your business? Try it for free. There’s no cost to set up a website card in Twitter Advertising. You’ll only be asked to shell out cash if you plan on promoting your card to a wider audience.

How to create a Twitter website card

Creating your first Twitter website card can seem a bit intimidating — especially if you’ve never been acquainted with Twitter advertising.

Lucky for you, the Giants have you covered with a step-by-step video tutorial to show you how to create your first Twitter website card.

Want to learn how to promote your Twitter website card using Twitter Advertising? Stay tuned for our upcoming blog and video tutorial.

If you’re ready to take a Giant leap when it comes to driving qualified sales leads to your website, reach out to Digital Giants and we’ll get you started.

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