Marissa Vanular

3 things you should know about me…
I love spending time with my daughter Bea and husband Scott
I grew up horseback riding and have taken it up again. I competed last year in the Jumper division with Tessa
I have a dog named Winifred Vanular Shnuffermuffer the Third

As Client Success Manager, Marissa is responsible for strategic planning and tactical implementation across all service areas, as well as reporting on the key performance indicators that matter most to clients.
A Communication graduate from Wilfrid Laurier University, Marissa has 10 years experience in the digital advertising industry on the publisher’s side. She loves being on the agency side now and truly loves to work one-on-one with clients to help them achieve their goals.
When she’s not working, she’s hanging out with her daughter, Bea and husband Scott, horseback riding, running, reading or hanging out with friends.