Surveys Say Businesses Are Not Taking the Web Seriously
Recently, our survey of Canadian businesses reported that 80% are losing out due to a lack of a digital marketing strategy, in-house skills and budget. This week the topic was once again in the news with a Canadian Press story calling Canadian businesses “socially awkward” due to their almost non-existent presence on social media.
ROI of Going Digital
It’s time for Canadian businesses to wake up and realize that digital marketing, including social media, isn’t a fad or something only for teens. Just as they put budget, training, time and manpower behind their sales team, they need to start doing the same with digital marketing. The continued resistance to do so is causing their businesses to lose revenue to the few competitors that are clued in.
Businesses Are Not Being Found Online
While this feature in the Canadian Press put the focus on social media, I would argue that it’s so much more than just a lack of social media skills hurting profits. It’s the websites that aren’t built to generate sales leads and are still being used as a glorified “brochure” instead of an engaging, educational destination for their brand. It’s the lack of knowing that business opportunities start with an online search and why it’s so important to be found in search engines, it’s the limited knowledge of how to advertise online, and most importantly, the lack of telling their story with content.
Click to tweet: Without digital marketing, Canadian businesses may as well put a “Sorry We’re Closed” sign on their door.
A Web Presence Drives Business
On the positive side, it’s the right time for these businesses to seize the opportunity of digital marketing. The ones who do, will quickly see the benefits. We’ve seen it happen and are happy to share some tips and tools for businesses to get started. Start with our guide to the 7 Steps to Getting Started in Digital Marketing, visit our resources page, read our blog, or feel free to reach out to us for advice.
Schedule a Free 30-Minute Consultation
Are you considering a website? Schedule a Free 30-minute consultation and fiid out what a website can do for you